Times Mulch
Dahl, Baht, Roti, Shak
Wearing Through News #1
Sculps #5
Sculps #2
Sculps #1
This is Familiar but i can’t Remember Now…
Flour Mulch
The More Past the Better (work-in-progress)
Self-Portraits / Selfies
Grandma, Gautam and Ghalib
Dont Hurry, Dont Worry
I’m Leaving
Health, Wealth, Name, Fame (Rangpur)
Health, Wealth, Name, Fame (Maheshwari Udyaan)
(Untitled) Jaisalmer
Health, Wealth, Name, and Fame (Ban Ganga)
Bedtime Stories (The Parsi People)
Mum, Grandpa and Lear
Ferry to Redbank
Horniman Circle
Sculps #4
Prospect Picnic
I Don’t Know, I Don’t Know, but where will You Put It…
Bleached, Erased, Forgot
Laguna Mountain
Lawson’s Landing
Tengucho Sheets
Untitled (Khandwa)