- PRAF Presents: what cannot otherwise be said curated by Zeenat Nagree |
Group Show
- — Ali Asgar Tara
- — Vicky Sabourin
- — Ratna Gupta
- — Sahej Rahal
- — Raven Chacon
- — Devika Sundar
- — Han Bing
- — Heba Y. Amin
- — Ashfika Rahman
- — Kashmiri Cabbage Walker
- — Hussein Nassereddine + Kayfa ta
- — Amol K. Patil
The Blue Line Blur Between The Scar
How To See The Pillars As Palm Trees – Footnotes 7 And 8
Walking the Cabbage in Srinagar
The blue line blur between the scar
Home is a Foreign Place-2
Home is a Foreign Place-1
Walking the Watermelon in Cairo
Diary of a Chinese Cabbage Walker
Uterine Swims / Unbound and Untethered
Ovarian beds 1.2 / Unbound and Untethered
Ovarian beds 1.1 / Unbound and Untethered
Mammary Nets / Unbound and Untethered
Illuminated Sections: STUDY 6.1, Spine
Frayed and Floating / Unbound and Untethered
Cross sections, Uterine Swims 1.2 / Unbound and Untethered
Cross sections, Uterine Swims 1.1 / Unbound and Untethered
Cross sections, Mammary Nets / Unbound and Untethered
Ella Llora
An incomplete letter of dissent 05 (time is the number of squares that I can draw in a minute)
An incomplete letter of dissent 04 (time is the number of squares I can draw in a minute)
An incomplete letter of dissent 01
An incomplete letter of dissent 06
An incomplete letter of dissent 03 (time is the number of squares I can draw in a minute)
An incomplete letter of dissent 02 (time is the number of squares I can draw in a minute)
What the Fragrant Lilies are Trying to Cover Up
“what cannot otherwise be said”
Curated by Zeenat Nagree
a poem inhabits its own clarity, which may be deeply mysterious but that’s different from unclear. and at best, it is an unparaphrasable clarity. it says what cannot otherwise be said—and it is an encounter with the unsayable
Chen Chen, 4 December 2021
When the domains of clarity and mystery intersect, there appear simultaneously people walking cabbages in Lal Chowk and Tiana nmen Square, and someone with a watermelon in Cairo. All at risk, all defiant. It is then that we see evidence of a creature forming and reforming itself in a fiery world listening to the lament of a woman who once lived in Albuquerque. The fragrance of death seems near. The poet enters time, and falls. And so it is that the world is cut open, and we swim inside the body, that vast sea within. It is a world of wounds and grief, the counting of minutes, the absurd measuring of space and objects. It is a world undone, coming together anew. New bodies and old stories cracking open the canon, turning around and looking back with a challenge, moving to their own accord, persevering.
Featuring: Ali Asgar Tara, Amol K Patil, Ashfika Rahman, Chen Chen, Devika Sundar, Han Bing, Heba Y Amin, Kashmiri Cabbage Walker, Hussein Nassereddine + Kayfa ta, Ratna Gupta, Raven Chacon, Sahej Rahal, Vicky Sabourin
Zeenat Nagree is an independent writer and curator living between Bombay and Montréal.